Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Benjamin Franklin Letter

To whom it may concern,

I have noticed now of late that there is a lot of problems with the world today. Many people leave all of the blame on todays youth, don't get me wrong todays youths are to blame for many problems. I believe that most of the blame lies primarily with the parents. The mind of the young child is a fragile one at best. They are developing morals and an understanding of one's boundaries. They need to have limits so they will learn to respect their elders. Just the other day I was run into by a sporadic youth and by nature I told him to watch himself and to my dismay he answered back, and I do quote " I don't have to listen to you, you are not my father". This troubles me. If a youngling thinks this is alright then the blame must be set on the parent. This is not always true but it happens all to often. I must tell to the current parents of these scoundrels, control your children.

Your Humble Servant, Silence Dogood

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