Thursday, June 12, 2008

Propaganda Essay

Propaganda: We Must go to war!

This paper will show the position of John Adams when it comes to the war with Britain during the American Revolution. I will use all of our class discussions along with the book, Founding brothers by Joseph Ellis. This will be a speech in the form of propaganda.

Welcome my friends. This has been a long and hard road for us colonists. We have made it in a land that our for-fathers have not made for us. We may be under another countries rule but this is the one thing that is only ours and will never be taken away from us. We are not Dutch, Irish, or even British. We are our own people. We have been living here for quite some time and I think that we musty stand up and receive the respect that we earned. Britain has pushed us around for too long. We are their pawns in their glamorous plan. If you do not do it for yourself, do it for your sons and daughters. What will their lives be if they are plagued by ridiculous taxes and unjust laws? Before I move on to the bigger topic I will leave you with this message, we are all brothers in the face of tyranny, united we stand but divided we fall.

If you haven’t noticed there has been in increase in taxes lately. Everything has been taxed and enough is enough. But who can we blame? , sure you could blame inflation or the need for military supplies, but the actual reason for our financial difficulties is a greedy country that only cares for money and power. Yes that’s right, our beloved mother country has turned her back on us and now expects us to fund her many luxuries. We are a developing country that does not need added expenses when we already have too much on our plates. Why should we have higher taxes while there are pompous aristocrats living the life of indulgences because there taxes have suddenly dropped? Coincidence? , I think not. If we were to split off from Britain, our financial difficulties would cease to exist. We already have the resources to sustain ourselves. We might have to give up a few luxuries but it would all be worth it for our ultimate independence. What would you rather choose tea and fine linens or independence? If you were of sound mind you would pick the later of the two. We are not materialistic like our British counterparts. I would not think it would be too terribly hard to find a country that would take our money in exchange for good. Britain is not the only greedy country but they are the only greedy country that takes our freedom away from us.

If you are as patriotic as my fellow friends and I you would not let our country turn to dust in the hands of a few arrogant aristocrats. If we do not go to war what will they tax next, our lives. Do you really want your beloved daughter or son grow up in a world such as ours if we do not do something about it? We need to stand up and fight for what is rightfully ours. We started our lives here, not them. Why should we let an arrogant country push us around when they are thousands of miles away? Before I leave I want you to think about what you want your life to become. Would you rather seek freedom or lay back and take it. I would rather die for my freedom than be under tyrannical rule.

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