Thursday, April 3, 2008

Native American Essay

Contact between native Americans and Europeans between the founding of Jamestown (1607) and the outbreak of the American revolution (1776) constituted a continuous cultural revolution for native people.

This essay will show how the European involvement change the Native American way of life. I will use many relevant sources to write this paper. I used the book, The Earth Shall Weep by James Wilson and a documentary style movie that we watched in class. I will also use various websites for some information and to reinforce what I say.
European involvement in the lives of the Native Americans changed greatly but also the ideas of the Native Americans that they held sacred stayed the same. No amount of force could stop the Native Americans change what they believed in. The daily life of the Native American would never be the same again after the Europeans settled. They were just too different and brought great things with them that the Native Americans have never saw before.
War was a big influencing factor that changed the Native American's way of life. The first notable war was the Powhatan Confederacy. The war started in 1622 and ended in 1644. At first the settlers fought the indians. As time went on the settlers realized what a great asset the indians were. As time went on there were indians fighting indians and settlers fighting settlers. This was apparent in the French-Indian war. Fort Necessity was the first battle of the war. The Americans wanted control of the colonies but the French just wanted to establish trade. Many of the indians sided with the French. The Delaware and the Shawnee sided with the French and even though the Six Nations were considered neutral many of them sided with the French. At the end of the war the British took Fort Dusquene with the help of the indians. With this victory the British won the war and took most of the land east of the Mississippi. Native Americans played an important role in the wars that shaped America. Without them the French would have never taken Fort Necessity and the British would have never taken Fort Dusquene. The French-Indian war would have probaby not even started if the "half-king" did not scalp those Frenchman. If George Washington would have never taken the blame than there would not have been a war.
The native american culture changed dramatically from before settlers arrived until after they settled. There was no chance that the indians wouldn't have made contact with the settlers. If there is something new and wonderful than you are going to want it. The insians were interested in the goods that the settlers brought over. These new goods made life easier. No longer would they have to hunt a rabbit with a bow and arrow. They could not help using these new tools. Bronze was many times more efficient than stone was. The indians quickly took on to the new ways. During the French-Indian war they used guns to fight which saved many indians that would have died if they used their older weapons. The indians somewhat controlled the Europeans. They signed a treaty with the British yet they were still trading with the French. They just wanted to get the best goods from each of the settlements.
During the first years that the Europeans were in interaction with the Native Americans the indian population decreased greatly. The population cut down by ninety percent because of the European diseases that ravaged the New World. In the matter of four years between 1347 and 1351 the population of Europe was cut down by one-third. Disease was prevalent in oher areas also. The main killer was smallpox. Early people coined the phrase "Columbian Exchange" to describe the passing of deadly diseases. Even though disease killed many Indians there was still another killer. Massacre was a big killer. It was not close as how many died of disease but many people were still killed. This rapid depopulation affeceted the Native Americans greatly. They had fewer warriors and fewer farmers.
There were some things that did not change during the European settlement. Their religion ultimately stayed the same. Relgion usually does not change with the immigration of new people. Their were some people that did convert. Many other things stayed intact. The spirtuality did not suffer. They still had their religous customs that they hold sacred. Even though the Europeans were much different the indians still consulted the elder women to make decisions. They still spoke the same language also. Even today some Native Americans follow the ways of their forefathers. The reason that their language and customs still hold true today is that Native Americans hold their ways sacred and nothing can change that.
Even though many things changed for the Native Americans many things did not. The Europeans made a big impact on the Native Americans but also the Native Americans made a big impact on the settlers. Where would we be today without the indians. We as a people would have not survived. The first settlers that landed at Jamestown would not have made it past the winter if it was not for the Native Americans.

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