Monday, September 3, 2007


This book was not one of the better books I have read but it has better informed me of what is happening in world when it comes to the flat world. Before this book I had never heard of a flat world. I have to admit this book was very interesting.
I don't think the flat world effects me in my job choice. My future career can't really get outsourced. The one way the flat world does effect me is how I go about my business everyday. I use technology every single day. I am always looking for a way to use technology to benefit me.
The flat world does effect all of my friends in some way by either technology or there career choice. Some of my friends want to do jobs that can be outsourced. Many of my friends are oblivious to the fact that the world is flattening. Teachers ,parents, and peers just need to make me strive for excellence in whatever I do. I already have many goals that I wish to complete.
In the Friedman sense of the word my future career choice is untouchable. Im kind of 50/50 on whether I resent or embarce the flat world. I resent it in a way because many jobs are being outsourced which can be done in America. But I do embrace it. I love technology and I always want to do something easier with technology. Id rather be reading something from my own house than to go out to the library.

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