Monday, September 1, 2008

Virtue Log

I have chosen the virtue industry. I have chosen this virtue because I tend to waste my time a lot. Either by watching tv too much or just staring off into space. Ben Franklin's explanation is short and sweet which would be the definition of industry there is no need to waste time over defining it. My plan for the week is to try and not waste time and do things that are productive.

Monday- Got up at one o'clock just because I could. Not a good use of my time. The time sleeping could have been used to read or possibly just going outside and doing something. Watched way too much tv today. Again a total waste of time. Other than that a pretty boring day.

Tuesday- Pretty much the same as yesterday. Too much sleep and just not a lot of time spent on getting things accomplished.

Wednesday- Today was much better. Went to work which was at seven. Got home at 12 and read a bit. Also helped my mother in the garden.

Thursday- Another day like Monday except I worked outside with my father working around the house.

Friday- A lot accomplished today. Went to work, finished reading a book, cleaned my room, and after all that helped my parents work around the house for a while.

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