Monday, September 1, 2008
Contemporary Novel: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Americans today are always looking for the easy way out. We always want everything to be easier and less time consuming. Tom Sawyer does this by getting other people to do his work. Instead of painting the fence and learning a lesson he decides to trick his Friends into painting it for him.
Tom Sawyer is may be a mischievous boy but he goes to school, does his chores and goes to church. He may not be the idea of an adult quintessential American but he is what i think of went think of the quintessential American boy.
Virtue Log
Monday- Got up at one o'clock just because I could. Not a good use of my time. The time sleeping could have been used to read or possibly just going outside and doing something. Watched way too much tv today. Again a total waste of time. Other than that a pretty boring day.
Tuesday- Pretty much the same as yesterday. Too much sleep and just not a lot of time spent on getting things accomplished.
Wednesday- Today was much better. Went to work which was at seven. Got home at 12 and read a bit. Also helped my mother in the garden.
Thursday- Another day like Monday except I worked outside with my father working around the house.
Friday- A lot accomplished today. Went to work, finished reading a book, cleaned my room, and after all that helped my parents work around the house for a while.
Touching Spirit Bear Topic
The Spirit bear in this story goes by more than one name. Some people might call it the ghost bear but it actually is called a Kermode Bear. What makes it a spirit bear is it's white coat. Not all Kermode bears have white colored fur. Only a small percentage do. It is a recessive trait in their genes.
Tsimshiam legend says that once the world was covered in ice and snow. But a raven came down and turned everything green. After he had done that he turned some bears white to remember that the world once was covered in snow. The raven was the creator of life.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Mini Report: Circle Justice
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Honors History Final Essay
The American Revolution did not truly end until John Adams took office as the second President of the United States of America. While that work was undertaken by all colonists (in one way or another), the articulation and structuring of resentment against the British Empire, and the construction of a new nation afterwards, was largely completed by a relatively small number of men.
We will study the time period leading up to the American Revolution, the War for Independence itself, and the immediate aftermath. Again, while these events reflect wide participation by many colonials, their direction and ultimate resolution result largely from the fact that a group of individuals balanced personal ambition, ideology, regional materialism, and personality quirks in such a way as to achieve consensus as to how a government should be formed. In consideration of all the facts, what was required of leadership to guide the colonies through a revolution, war, and into a working constitution of laws? Certainly, significant events will provide some of the details to support your thesis, but primary emphasis should be given to the information and insights derived from Joseph Ellis’ Founding Brothers. Consider how men of such intense intelligence, bias, contradiction, and ego were able to collaborate.
This piece will answer many questions about the American Revolution. I will focus primarily on the question, what was required of leadership to guide the colonies through a revolution, war, and into a working constitution of laws? I will use many different sources in order to answers these vital questions. I will use Founding Brothers by Joseph Ellis and Classroom discussions. I will also use a slew of other Internet websites to gain evidence of my thoughts. Among these websites are,
The American Revolution was not a subtle one. It was a long time coming in the eyes of not only the colonists but also the British. The British were more ignorant at the time because they are what you would call "British". Britain during this time focused on money and power. Having been wealthy and ruling much of the known world, Britain only wanted more. They started to put more and more taxes on the American colonists. The colonists knew that there would be taxes because Britain needed money to protect the colonists. What the colonists did not know was at what extent would Britain increase their taxes. The actual war might not have started until the battle of Lexington and Concord on April 18, 1775, but the Revolution was burning inside the hearts of the true patriots. One of these patriots was quoted as saying, "Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people . . . . This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution." This was said by John Adams. The colonists wanted change and that is what they would get. The colonists were fighting for so much more than the British. They were fighting for their homes and their own country. This is where they have brought up their children. They have their pride and dignity to worry about. They also did not have a reputation as of now so they were not as narcissistic as the British. The British wee only fighting for land thousands of mile away from them. Since they were Britain they had a pretty high self esteem of themselves. This was bad in this particular war.
The whole Revolution took a lot of people doing many significant things in order for the revolution to start. Even the little guys such as Samuel Adams had a lot to do with it. Him and other people like him spread the word of the Revolution and got people riled up. Without people like him the war would not have been accepted by as many people. What would life be like if the congress never voted to go to war because some people like Sam Adams did not get people fired up. The revolution also could not have been accomplished without the leaders of the revolution. Without Adams or Jefferson the war might have not been a success. This goes to show you that with one piece of the puzzle is missing, then the whole system does not work.
The word leader can have a lot of different meaning and connotations. A leader could only be a leader in a simple high school group or it could be one of the most influential leaders we will have in the history of the United States. During the time of the American Revolution it was a pivotal moment in our country's history. Without strong leaders to serve as the backbone of our country there would not have been a U.S.A, it might have been called the Unites States of Britain. It took the true meaning of the word leader to push our country through this time of peril and uncertainty. Many people come to mind if you talk about the leaders of the American Revolution. A few stand out among the rest. These special group of leaders did the most to shape our American way of life. There might have been these leaders but without the secondary leaders there might have not been such a success. The first leader was none other than George Washington. Whenever someone needed a military commander they turned to George Washington himself. Washington was in the general in charge of the whole continental army during the Lexington and Concord battles. George Washington's famous picture of him crossing the Delaware shows how commanding he was and how he had that attitude and characteristics of a born leader. Washington is such a great leader because he follows this quote by Aristotle, "He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander". He has shown this trait many times. When he was under the command of General Braddock. He was a great soldier. Even if one man does not take all of the actions people and soldiers will follow by example. To go back to the original question. Much was expected from George Washington. He had many responsibilities as a man of such rank. Not only did the country ask him to be a General in the Army but later they asked him to lead the country becoming the first U.S. president. Joseph Ellis puts it perfect as how important George Washington was to the colonists. This quote comes from the chapter "Generation". "but far from least, an early unanimous consensus that the first chief executive would be George Washington, only one man, to be sure but an incalculable asset." This just goes to show you that even if you are one man you can do anything if you have the motivation that Washington most likely had. George Washington had the right amount of motivation and confidence. He had enough confidence but had self control. That was indeed the downfall of Britain in the revolutionary war. They were to conceded and thought that the small colonists could not possibly win over them.
The next thing that you need is collaboration. This is explained deeply in the appropriately named chapter called the collaborators in Joseph Ellis' book, Founding Brothers. Benjamin Franklin put it simply, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately". He knew that collaboration was the key to overcoming the British. Even though the colonists were from different countries they still hung together to form one power. Joseph Ellis refers to the John Adams and Thomas Jefferson as the two collaborators.
Many things are required of leadership. There are many personality traits that each of these aforementioned people had. Washington was kind, confident and decisive. He could also sway an audience. Adams and Jefferson shared a lot of the same traits. Both were intelligent and hard working. The next thing you need is vast collaboration. Nothing can get done when people are not working together. The Declaration would have not been as structurally sound as it is if Adams, Jefferson, and Franklin did not collaborate. What do you think our country would be without collaboration within the government.
Propaganda Essay
Propaganda: We Must go to war!
This paper will show the position of John Adams when it comes to the war with
Welcome my friends. This has been a long and hard road for us colonists. We have made it in a land that our for-fathers have not made for us. We may be under another countries rule but this is the one thing that is only ours and will never be taken away from us. We are not Dutch, Irish, or even British. We are our own people. We have been living here for quite some time and I think that we musty stand up and receive the respect that we earned.
If you haven’t noticed there has been in increase in taxes lately. Everything has been taxed and enough is enough. But who can we blame? , sure you could blame inflation or the need for military supplies, but the actual reason for our financial difficulties is a greedy country that only cares for money and power. Yes that’s right, our beloved mother country has turned her back on us and now expects us to fund her many luxuries. We are a developing country that does not need added expenses when we already have too much on our plates. Why should we have higher taxes while there are pompous aristocrats living the life of indulgences because there taxes have suddenly dropped? Coincidence? , I think not. If we were to split off from
If you are as patriotic as my fellow friends and I you would not let our country turn to dust in the hands of a few arrogant aristocrats. If we do not go to war what will they tax next, our lives. Do you really want your beloved daughter or son grow up in a world such as ours if we do not do something about it? We need to stand up and fight for what is rightfully ours. We started our lives here, not them. Why should we let an arrogant country push us around when they are thousands of miles away? Before I leave I want you to think about what you want your life to become. Would you rather seek freedom or lay back and take it. I would rather die for my freedom than be under tyrannical rule.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Benjamin Franklin Letter
I have noticed now of late that there is a lot of problems with the world today. Many people leave all of the blame on todays youth, don't get me wrong todays youths are to blame for many problems. I believe that most of the blame lies primarily with the parents. The mind of the young child is a fragile one at best. They are developing morals and an understanding of one's boundaries. They need to have limits so they will learn to respect their elders. Just the other day I was run into by a sporadic youth and by nature I told him to watch himself and to my dismay he answered back, and I do quote " I don't have to listen to you, you are not my father". This troubles me. If a youngling thinks this is alright then the blame must be set on the parent. This is not always true but it happens all to often. I must tell to the current parents of these scoundrels, control your children.
Your Humble Servant, Silence Dogood
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Native American Essay
This essay will show how the European involvement change the Native American way of life. I will use many relevant sources to write this paper. I used the book, The Earth Shall Weep by James Wilson and a documentary style movie that we watched in class. I will also use various websites for some information and to reinforce what I say.
European involvement in the lives of the Native Americans changed greatly but also the ideas of the Native Americans that they held sacred stayed the same. No amount of force could stop the Native Americans change what they believed in. The daily life of the Native American would never be the same again after the Europeans settled. They were just too different and brought great things with them that the Native Americans have never saw before.
War was a big influencing factor that changed the Native American's way of life. The first notable war was the Powhatan Confederacy. The war started in 1622 and ended in 1644. At first the settlers fought the indians. As time went on the settlers realized what a great asset the indians were. As time went on there were indians fighting indians and settlers fighting settlers. This was apparent in the French-Indian war. Fort Necessity was the first battle of the war. The Americans wanted control of the colonies but the French just wanted to establish trade. Many of the indians sided with the French. The Delaware and the Shawnee sided with the French and even though the Six Nations were considered neutral many of them sided with the French. At the end of the war the British took Fort Dusquene with the help of the indians. With this victory the British won the war and took most of the land east of the Mississippi. Native Americans played an important role in the wars that shaped America. Without them the French would have never taken Fort Necessity and the British would have never taken Fort Dusquene. The French-Indian war would have probaby not even started if the "half-king" did not scalp those Frenchman. If George Washington would have never taken the blame than there would not have been a war.
The native american culture changed dramatically from before settlers arrived until after they settled. There was no chance that the indians wouldn't have made contact with the settlers. If there is something new and wonderful than you are going to want it. The insians were interested in the goods that the settlers brought over. These new goods made life easier. No longer would they have to hunt a rabbit with a bow and arrow. They could not help using these new tools. Bronze was many times more efficient than stone was. The indians quickly took on to the new ways. During the French-Indian war they used guns to fight which saved many indians that would have died if they used their older weapons. The indians somewhat controlled the Europeans. They signed a treaty with the British yet they were still trading with the French. They just wanted to get the best goods from each of the settlements.
During the first years that the Europeans were in interaction with the Native Americans the indian population decreased greatly. The population cut down by ninety percent because of the European diseases that ravaged the New World. In the matter of four years between 1347 and 1351 the population of Europe was cut down by one-third. Disease was prevalent in oher areas also. The main killer was smallpox. Early people coined the phrase "Columbian Exchange" to describe the passing of deadly diseases. Even though disease killed many Indians there was still another killer. Massacre was a big killer. It was not close as how many died of disease but many people were still killed. This rapid depopulation affeceted the Native Americans greatly. They had fewer warriors and fewer farmers.
There were some things that did not change during the European settlement. Their religion ultimately stayed the same. Relgion usually does not change with the immigration of new people. Their were some people that did convert. Many other things stayed intact. The spirtuality did not suffer. They still had their religous customs that they hold sacred. Even though the Europeans were much different the indians still consulted the elder women to make decisions. They still spoke the same language also. Even today some Native Americans follow the ways of their forefathers. The reason that their language and customs still hold true today is that Native Americans hold their ways sacred and nothing can change that.
Even though many things changed for the Native Americans many things did not. The Europeans made a big impact on the Native Americans but also the Native Americans made a big impact on the settlers. Where would we be today without the indians. We as a people would have not survived. The first settlers that landed at Jamestown would not have made it past the winter if it was not for the Native Americans.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Essay #1 Semester 2
The text below will answer the question, can a civilization advance/ develop living in cyclical time? I will use many resources to write this piece. I will use all of our class discussions, The Earth Shall Weep by James Wilson, and handouts that I have acquired. I also will use various websites.
The best explanation of cyclical time is that time goes in cycles. Every so many years time wil repeat itself. If you think like the Ancient Chinese than time repeats itself every twelve years. If there is a war this year than twelve years later than there must be a war twelve years later. Cyclicalt time differs linear time because linear time never repeats itself, it always is heading in a straight line. The chinese use the moon and jupiter to plot their twelve year cycle. They have observed that people that are born in the same lunar year will have similar traits and characteristics. That is why chniese children are born in the "year of the sheep" or the "year of the monkey".
Many ancient civiliaztions used cyclical time. Among the dozens there were the Incans, mayans, and the ancient greeks. The native americans also used cyclical time. History shows that the native american were developed. Maybe not as developed as Britain at the time but they were developed nonetheless. They had there own religion, houses, and a form of government. That does seem developed enough. As James Wilson said in his book The Earth Shall Weep, When the settlers arrived there were already forms for houses. That is because the native americans had already built houses there. The Greeks also lived in cyclical time. Greece was one of the most advanced civilizations of their time. Many things could not be done without the inventions and innovations of the ancient greeks. Durung the time of ancient greece Archimedes invented the fulcrum and lever. Just think of how life would be without the lever. Also an ancient greek invented the steam engine. Without the engine life would be much harder. Ancient Greece was very advanced and powerful.
The native american civilization might have not been advanced but they were highly developed. They did this when they were split up within the country. They would have innovated much faster if they were united. Another reason the native americans did not advance is because they did not know of anything different. They were happy with what they had. Life is much simpler without technology.
Classroom Discussions
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Midterm essay
Midterm Essay Justin Hughes
Paragraph by paragraph I will answer the question, "is it the trend of Western History to cultivate a skeptical faith, avoid dogma, listen and watch well, try to clarify and define ends, the better to chose means"? I will tie in all of the revolutions into one idea. I will bring in many sources including Medici Money by Tim Parks, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations by David S. Landes, and The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman.
It is the trend of western history to “cultivate a skeptical faith, avoid dogma, listen and watch well, try to clarify and define ends, the better to chose means”. This question might be able to be answered in one word but it takes a lot of background knowledge and research to come to this conclusion.
The first part of the question is “cultivate a skeptical faith.” This means to bring about a faith that could about doubt in the minds of the citizens. (Faith ) People would doubt this faith. With every new faith there will be more than enough skeptics. The second part of the question is to “avoid dogma”. This basically means “to avoid an established opinion." (2) This was true before the French revolution. Many people in France did what the Church said and that is wrong. To avoid this is to think for your self, or in other words, have humanistic qualities. Humanism changed the people of the time thought. The third part of the question is to “listen and watch well”. What this means is that you must learn from others. Watch and listen what others are doing so you will not make the same mistakes. This goes back to the book “The Wealth and Poverty of Nations”. In chapter 18 it explains how other countries (other than
The first part of the question is to “cultivate a skeptical faith.” This is what leads to revolution. From the French Revolution to the Flattening of the World. It all starts with one person, or one group that “cultivates” a new idea. Faith does not have to be pertaining to religion. It can be a “complete trust”. (3) Starting with the French Revolution, there was that one group, the humanists, which had a “skeptical faith.” At first many people doubted straying away from the Church. It was forbidden. Once people found out that they could think for themselves, this new faith was not doubted as much. This was the same in “Medici Money”. This new banking was neither a sin nor was it morally wrong. But this is what the Church told everyone. Even though they were also benefiting from this new form of banking. At first people were skeptics, but look at us now, we all use modern banking and it never crossed our minds that maybe back in the time before this revolution that what we are doing would have been a sin in the eyes of the Church. Even today people are skeptical of new ideas. In “the World is Flat” it explains that in the beginning people were skeptical of the “all mysterious Internet”. Now people use the Internet everyday without thinking of how anyone could be skeptical of this wonderful idea. The industrial revolution was a “skeptical faith”. Many people around the world were set in their ideas of how things are supposed to be. They never thought of why you would give up quality for quickness. And the only question to that question is capital. At the end of chapter 18 of “the Wealth and Poverty of Nations” many countries embraced the industrial revolution. What they learned is that embracing some of these “skeptical faiths”, pays off in the end. It just goes to show you that with every new substantial idea there will be people skeptical of the idea but will learn to live with it once they learn the “greater good” that this idea is bringing about.
The second part of the question is it “the trend of Western History to avoid dogma.” Dogma, which has already been explained, is an established opinion. The biggest example is the reformation and humanism. This all happened during the French Revolution. The Church established an opinion that all were supposed to live by and agree with. Usually when a country or civilization does not avoid dogma, there is going to be a change at one time or another. People do not like being told what to think and how to act. This does not bode well with the country’s government. During the days when humanism was just starting, people were shackled by the ideas of the Church. Once the idea of humanism was fully instilled in the minds of the general public then there was no turning back. This is why the Church tried to discourage change. Most importantly the increase of rights. When Calvin wrote his 95 theses the Church tried to censor him but that was not going to happen. In the mind of the humanist you should be able to criticize even the common religion of the state much less its governing power. (Reformation Slideshow) In “Medici Money” it explains that usury was a quote, “unholy” thing to do. The modern banker of the time saw that you could make a lot more money by committing this small sin. If someone thinks that they can do something quicker, more efficient, or more lucrative then they are going to do it. Even though it may be a sin. In their eyes and in the eyes of the humanist, it was not such a sin. To have a functional and relatively peaceful country or society you need to avoid dogma. People should not have to abide by opinions of the state just because that’s what they think. That is why when the founding fathers wrote the Constitution they wrote the Bill of Rights. This is so people would have the right to religion and other rights. In other words they learned from the British and French to avoid dogma at the beginning and not have a revolt or something of that manner.
The third part of the question is to “listen and watch well.” It is imperative that you learn from others mistakes if you want to get ahead in this world. If you don’t you will be a grey blob in the mass of all the other grey blobs that do not observe. This concept shows through during the industrial revolution. As
The fourth and final part of the question is to “try to clarify and define ends, the better to chose means.” To clarify and define ends is to set a long term goal for your self or on a much broader scale, the country. Without long term goals a country has no direction what so ever. Long term goals help keep you on track of the thing you really want. During the industrial revolution the countries like